everyone and welcome to the first of what I hope will become many
columns on ECW2K. For this first column we're gonna hop into the time machine and take a ride down memory lane, welcome to The Evolution Of Pro Wrestling 101. Today's topic is a man named Paul Heyman, how he has changed professional wrestling forever, and how pro wrestling's recent rebirth into the mainstream can be directly linked to Paul and his baby Extreme Championship Wrestling. When
people think of ECW, they think of a lot of things, but usually this
![]() The Man that changed Wrestling Forever!
then Pro Wrestling was not what it is today; wrestling's best days had
passed. Hogan was no longer filling stadiums and there was no one to step up and fill his shoes, many tried but none succeeded. The WWF and WCW were trying to repeat Hogan's success by doing the same things and the result was dwindling interest and the industry as a whole becoming a joke. If you're a follower of WrestleCrap.com, you'll know that a large portion of wrestling's most notorious crap came from this era. The early 90's spawned people like Duke "The Dumpster" and T.L. Hopper, I'd long-since stopped watching. Hell, even if I had still been watching, I wouldn't admit it, I'd be embarrassed to admit that such utter garbage held my attention. But everything was about to change The Revolution was about to start! That
small upstart I mentioned before you know ECW? Well, they were
![]() One Helluva Wrestler!
clicked American fans were swarming to this "ECW Arena" place to
see guys really WRESTLE. Enter Vince McMahon Vince saw something that was working and he decided to borrow it. Go ahead take a look at the work rates in WWF matches 10 years ago as opposed to today's matches. There is no comparison, today's WWF superstar is expected to be able to do more than the WWF superstar of yesteryear. Even guys like The Rock and Steve Austin who are often blasted for lack of ability by Internet Smarks are LIGHT YEARS ahead of what we were seeing back then. ECW's eternal influence on this industry that we so love is obvious in every match we watch, they raised the bar. 10 years ago, Test would be World Champion by now, however now he is held back by his lack of wrestling ability. But
come on get to the juicy stuff, work rates are only a small portion of
![]() Lack of Ability? |
Yeah, Paul Heyman's insistence that his performers give 110%
every night changed wrestling forever, but that's not what made ECW what it was. Without that "E" this company would have gone nowhere inside that E is where the true innovation lies and that one little letter has left shock-waves that can be felt in every wrestling match to this date even more-so than the increased work rates. Extreme. Without it, ECW was nothing, just another Indy Fed, but with that E, Paul Heyman offered something else that American fans were unfamiliar with: Barbed Wire, Babes, And Blood!!!! Not too long ago, a chair shot was extreme, putting someone through a table was unheard-of, all the stuff we see 1000 times a night now none of it was there. There was no Hardcore Division, no Table Matches, Hell In A Cell? PLEASE! |
![]() Now This is HARDCORE! |
along came Extreme Championship Wrestling, a small Philadelphia-based
wrestling company run by former NWA/WCW manager Paul E. Dangerously. ECW threw out the count-out and ignored the DQ, basically killed the Screw Job Ending. Everything from common household items like frying pans and rolling pins to true hardcore stuff like barbed wire and Singapore Canes became common sights inside the ring (or outside). Wrestling was no longer confined to the squared circle, the wrestlers were now free to venture out and find new things in the arena to play with. Blood used to be something that sold an attack/match as being truly brutalnow the night is not complete without a little red stuff. Of course, "Extreme" is not something that exists only inside the ring, it also meant other things. Wrestlers were free to express themselves any way they chose… wanna swear up a storm? Go ahead. Wanna walk to the ring smoking a cigarette and chugging beers? Go ahead. Want a beautiful half-naked woman to accompany you to the ring? GOOD IDEA!!! All bets were truly off. In ECW anything goes. |
![]() I want her to accompany ME to the ring! |
Vince McMahon is back. That's right, ECW had another idea that was
working and once again Vince decided to borrow it. The first time a WWF wrestler went through a table was Kevin Nash putting Shawn Michaels through a table surprised it's something so recent? Well, don't be, the WWF never even DREAMED of stuff like this until ECW strolled onto the scene. Before ECW, the Ladder Match was as hardcore as it got in the WWF. Without ECW there would be no WWF Attitude, it simply wouldn't exist. ECW's catch phrase was "Join The Revolution" they thought it was just a catch phrase who knew it was quite a startling prediction. One that came true. So,
every time you turn on WWF Raw Is War every time you see the WWF
![]() The Innovator of WWF hardcore!